Monday, March 30, 2015




  1. As far as I know, protesting should be limited to the location it is begin held at such as public domains, streets, etc. Sure these locations can spread the word though your protest more easily however protesters are more likely to disobey a law and disrupt the public in an unlikely manor. An example includes blocking off streets during black Friday, damaging property and households in the neighborhood, barging into open businesses and driving the customers out, and disrupting the peace. Protesting should not be banned however it should be more managed to prevent any disruptions from occurring.

  2. I feel like protesting should be limited to public places like restaurants, but as far as in protesting outside is okay. People pay for where they are, not a protest. There is a time and a place for everything. Basically this is a disruption of the peace...

  3. There is a correct way to protest, and this is not it. When you make people uncomfortable, you lose progress for the cause. People associate discomfort with whatever you protest for and gives the cause a negative connotation which hinders progress. That being said, there should be no limitations to protesting.

  4. Members of #BlackBrunchATL descended on two restaurants in Vinings Jubilee, going after Paces & Vine, and Another Broken Egg Café, before moving to their next target

    i feel like there should be limits to protesting because it makes peolpe feel uncomfortable. people pay for comfort not riots.

  5. This wasn't a correct way to protest in this area. Protest outside the area would of lead to greater outcomes rather than bad ones. This shouldn't make people feel a certain way about the situation which means the protesting wasn't done right. There is a time and place for everything.

  6. I do not think there should be any limitations to protest as long as nobody is being hurt. Now there is right and wrong ways to protest and there are certain things you should and should not do. If you are making other innocent citizens feel uncomfortable how are you making a effort to help your cause. It just seems as if you are ruining someone else day. So, with that being said; I do not have a problem with protesting but there are right and wrong ways to do it.

  7. There is a correct way to protest, and this is not it. When you make people uncomfortable, you lose progress for the cause. People associate discomfort with whatever you protest for and gives the cause a negative connotation which hinders progress. That being said, there should be no limitations to protesting.

  8. I think it is okay to protest where ever you please as long as it's not harming or disturbing other people as being done. I don't believe a restaurant is a place to do such, being that it's disturbing people while they are trying to have a peaceful meal. Other than disturbing the people do what you choose.

  9. the definition of protest is a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something. now there is a right way and a wrong way to protest. peaceful protest is the right way to go if you don't like the current situation.Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. This is a right closely linked to the right to freedom of expression.t provides a means for public expression and is one of the foundations of a democratic society.
    The right applies to protest marches and demonstrations, press conferences, public and private meetings, counter-demonstrations, ‘sit-ins’, motionless protests etc.The right only applies to peaceful gatherings and does not protect intentionally violent protest

  10. Protesting in a public place should be highly limited . Thats just not normal. Most people do it outside which is reasonable but doing it in like a restaurant is just disturbing the peace and is a possibility that they could get arrested

  11. Maria Carter
    there are already some limits on protesting, as long as you are not hurting anyone or disturbing the peace then i do not mind so much. i think people practicing the write of freedom of speech is great and should be done more often.

    the group did seem a little on the side of disturbing the peace so i think they should have protested some place else. its silly to go into a restaurant like that. honestly if they wanna do some good do not just protest , make fun raisers for your cause. that would also benefit what your doing more.

  12. feel it is a great thing that they are giving people the ability to think about things happening in there community. They are putting the subject which needs to be talked about right in the people's face .Making it know through their protest that there is a problem. I feel protesting should have no limits when it comes to standing for what you believe in the public. I only feel it is a true problem when people choose to follow others around and appear at their homes. Therefore if it is safely done in a public environment I think it is a great thing.

  13. I believe everyone should their freedom of speech but it should be to an extent. If you disrupt people to where they cant eat, then thats a problem.I don't believe a restaurant is a place to do such, being that it's disturbing people while they are trying to have a peaceful meal. Theres a correct way to protest and that wasnt it. There is a time and place for everything.

  14. If they are protesting against something they think that should be called out, then I think protesting is ok for them to do. I'm not against protesting unless its for a good cause.

  15. In my opinion there is a time and place for everything and that was not one of the times nor places to have a protest. Protest should be peaceful and have a good motive, this one however was none of the above and made the restaurant appear to be a non civil place to those who have never been to it.

  16. There is a correct way to protest, and this is not it. When you make people uncomfortable, you lose progress for the cause. People associate discomfort with whatever you protest for and gives the cause a negative connotation which hinders progress. That being said, there should be no limitations to protesting.

  17. I think that protesters are pretty brave for standing up for what they believe in peacefully. I thinnk a protest is a good way to get your opinion or message out there so thast you can be heard. I also believe that there are limits to protesting. Disrupting a business and not even gotteing a clear message across is rude honestly. They could have at least sent a clear message as to why they barged in to a diner and interrupted the services going on there.

  18. They shouldn't have protested in different cafes that's disturbing the peace because that's not right when it comes to trying to keep the peace around black communites so they shouldn't protest

  19. their is already limitations on protesting like you must be in control and some places must require a permit. but other than that I think you should protest about anything you want

  20. People deserve the right to speak their mind but not in a violent way. People know what to do and what not to do so they deserve to show how they feel about a situation but show it in a way that is not in a form of destroying proprieties and damaging things to get their point out to whomever they want to.

  21. I believe the group had the right to protest. However, I believe limits to protests should be put in place. First, there should be no violence. Second, there should be no protest in places that people come and pay their money for a peaceful time. Free areas like parks and sidewalks are more appropriate, in my opinion.

  22. People deserve the right to speak their mind but not in a violent way. People know what to do and what not to do so they deserve to show how they feel about a situation but show it in a way that is not in a form of destroying proprieties and damaging things to get their point out to whomever they want to.

  23. Yes I think they're should be limits to protesting people are crazy and will stop at nothing.

  24. The right applies to protest marches and demonstrations, press conferences, public and private meetings, counter-demonstrations, ‘sit-ins’, motionless protests etc.The right only applies to peaceful gatherings and does not protect intentionally violent protest

  25. i think you should be free to protest what ever you want and in this case it was something that they believed in.protesting in not done to make anyone happy it to say something that needs to be said which is what they did. As long as no one got physically hurt its all about awareness. I think you should protest about anything you want

  26. I feel like protesting goes to a hole new level from fights and riots breaking out and also being getting hurt. Protesting shouldn't be done in public places it should be done accordingly to anything you want but just a peaceful protest.

  27. I believe everyone should their freedom of speech but it should be to an extent. If you disrupt people to where they cant eat, then thats a problem.I don't believe a restaurant is a place to do such, being that it's disturbing people while they are trying to have a peaceful meal. Theres a correct way to protest and that wasnt it. There is a time and place for everything.

  28. I thinnk a protest is a good way to get your opinion or message out there so thast you can be heard. I also believe that there are limits to protesting. Disrupting a business and not even gotteing a clear message across is rude honestly. They could have at least sent a clear message as to why they barged in to a diner and interrupted the services going on there.

  29. If they are protesting against something they think that should be called out, then I think protesting is ok for them to do. I'm not against protesting unless its for a good cause.People deserve the right to speak their mind but not in a violent way. People know what to do and what not to do so they deserve to show how they feel about a situation but show it in a way that is not in a form of destroying proprieties and damaging things to get their point out to whomever they want to.

  30. I believe everyone should their freedom of speech but it should be to an extent.
    i also feel like protesting goes to a hole new level from fights and riots breaking out and also being getting hurt.People pay for where they are, not a protest. There is a time and a place for everything. Basically this is a disruption of the peace...The right applies to protest marches and demonstrations, press conferences, public and private meetings, counter-demonstrations, ‘sit-ins’, motionless protests etc

  31. I think that protesters are pretty brave for standing up for what they believe in peacefully. I thinnk a protest is a good way to get your opinion or message out there so thast you can be heard. I also believe that there are limits to protesting. Disrupting a business and not even gotteing a clear message across is rude honestly. They could have at least sent a clear message as to why they barged in to a diner and interrupted the services going on there.also People deserve the right to speak their mind but not in a violent way. People know what to do and what not to do so they deserve to show how they feel about a situation but show it in a way that is not in a form of destroying proprieties and damaging things to get their point out to whomever they want to.

  32. Protests are a good way of expressing ones freedom of speech but there should be limits. Also a clear message is needed in order to be successful. Disrupting a business and not even getting a clear message across is rude honestly. Next time, don't disturb people while they eating.

  33. The definition of protest is a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something. now there is a right way and a wrong way to protest. peaceful protest is the right way to go if you don't like the current situation.Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. This is a right closely linked to the right to freedom of expression.t provides a means for public expression and is one of the foundations of a democratic society.
    The right applies to protest marches and demonstrations, press conferences, public and private meetings, counter-demonstrations, ‘sit-ins’, motionless protests etc.The right only applies to peaceful gatherings and does not protect intentionally violent protest

  34. No they should not be able to protest at all because it disrupts the peace in the community.However a protest can allow officials to give the attention to an urgent matter.

  35. I feel like protesting should be limited to public places like restaurants, but as far as in protesting outside is okay. People pay for where they are, not a protest. There is a time and a place for everything. Basically this is a disruption of the peace.

  36. I don't think there should be any limits on protesting, there already are many limits on protesting. Everyone has freedom of speech. As long as the protesters don't physically harm other people then I think its okay for people to protest and stand up for what they believe in. Although I don't support hateful protests such as the Westboro Baptist church. I think they spread messages of hate and that's something that shouldn't be allowed.

  37. feel it is a great thing that they are giving people the ability to think about things happening in there community. They are putting the subject which needs to be talked about right in the people's face .Making it know through their protest that there is a problem. I feel protesting should have no limits when it comes to standing for what you believe in the public. I only feel it is a true problem when people choose to follow others around and appear at their homes. Therefore if it is safely done in a public environment I think it is a great thing.
    they are protesting against something they think that should be called out, then I think protesting is ok for them to do. I'm not against protesting unless its for a good cause.People deserve the right to speak their mind but not in a violent way. People know what to do and what not to do so they deserve to show how they feel about a situation but show it in a way that is not in a form of destroying proprieties and damaging things to get their point out to whomever they want to.
    this LaQuinsa Askew

  38. I do think that should be limits to protesting because protesting can get out of hand. Such as in fighting,murder and etc. Disturbing a business can lead into a law suit which can add up to 2 million or up 10 million dollars.

  39. If it is for the right cause i think that protesting should not have a limit. Protesting is sometimes the only way for a voice of people to be heard. Most situations worth protesting for make people uncomfortable the only way to get pass the situation is to be in an comfortable state at the beginning.

  40. I feel like protesting should be limited to public places like restaurants, but as far as in protesting outside is okay. People pay for where they are, not a protest. There is a time and a place for everything. Basically this is a disruption of the peace.

  41. I think that protesters are pretty brave for standing up for what they believe in peacefully. I thinnk a protest is a good way to get your opinion or message out there so thast you can be heard. I also believe that there are limits to protesting. Disrupting a business and not even gotteing a clear message across is rude honestly. They could have at least sent a clear message as to why they barged in to a diner and interrupted the services going on there.

  42. Sure these locations can spread the word though your protest more easily however protesters are more likely to disobey a law and disrupt the public in an unlikely manor. An example includes blocking off streets during black Friday, damaging property and households in the neighborhood, barging into open businesses and driving the customers out, and disrupting the peace. Protesting shouldn't be done in public places it should be done accordingly to anything you want but just a peaceful protest.

  43. There is really no way to protest ,protesting is a good way to get your opinion or message out there so that you can be heard in a good way .As long as no one got physically hurt its all about awareness. I think you should protest about anything you want

  44. There is a correct way to protest, and this is not it. When you make people uncomfortable, you lose progress for the cause. Sometimes you can make things worse with an unruly protest. That being said, there should be no limitations to protesting.

  45. this isn't the correct way to protest. they made people feel uncomfortable about the situation. instead of making them for the arguement

  46. They have their reasons to protest and I agree with freedom speech.I do think that should be limits to protesting because protesting can get out of hand. As long as no one is getting physically hurt, it should be all about awareness and spreading the word .

  47. Although, that is protesting, there should be a certain level of how far one or more go. This is absolutely too far, but as long as no one is hurt, they're fine.

  48. I do think that there should be limits to protesting because protesting can get out of hand and lead to things such as in fighting,murder and etc. protesting is okay to an extent if you are hindering someone form doing something you are out of hand. All protesting should be peaceful because if you yell or hurt someone your point isn't being made, you have lost the argument, and chances are you aren't going to get what you are protesting for.

  49. I like how the one comment said: they could at least buy something.I do believe that their protest was worthy and definitely a good use of freedom of speech. However, they maybe should have checked with the manager first or at least bought something. I am sure that the manager would've said yes. There shouldn't be a limit to protesting but there should be order in it.

  50. I think the protests are fine because it is the people's choice to say what they want to say. However, they should regard others' feelings when they went into the restaurant. It is understandable that people felt obligated to speak their minds about the shooting that occurred that Monday, but not everyone is in the fault for it. I believe if the people in the restaurants did not have anything to do with the shooting, they should be left alone.

  51. There are protesting against something they think that should be called out, then I think protesting is ok for them to do. I'm not against protesting unless its for a good cause.People deserve the right to speak their mind but not in a violent way. People know what to do and what not to do so they deserve to show how they feel about a situation but show it in a way that is not in a form of destroying proprieties and damaging things to get their point out to whomever they want to.
    -Jamill jackson

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. there are already some limits on protesting, as long as you are not hurting anyone or disturbing the peace then i do not mind so much. i think people practicing the write of freedom of speech is great and should be done more often.

    the group did seem a little on the side of disturbing the peace so i think they should have protested some place else. its silly to go into a restaurant like that. honestly if they wanna do some good do not just protest , make fun raisers for your cause. that would also benefit what your doing more.

  54. feel it is a great thing that they are giving people the ability to think about things happening in there community. They are putting the subject which needs to be talked about right in the people's face .Making it know through their protest that there is a problem. I feel protesting should have no limits when it comes to standing for what you believe in the public. I only feel it is a true problem when people choose to follow others around and appear at their homes. Therefore if it is safely done in a public environment I think it is a great thing.
    they are protesting against something they think that should be called out, then I think protesting is ok for them to do. I'm not against protesting unless its for a good cause.People deserve the right to speak their mind but not in a violent way. People know what to do and what not to do so they deserve to show how they feel about a situation but show it in a way that is not in a form of destroying proprieties and damaging things to get their point out to whomever they want to.

  55. There is a correct way to protest, and this is not it. When you make people uncomfortable, you lose progress for the cause. People associate discomfort with whatever you protest for and gives the cause a negative connotation which hinders progress. That being said, there should be no limitations to protesting.

    I feel like protesting should be limited to public places like restaurants, but as far as in protesting outside is okay. People pay for where they are, not a protest. There is a time and a place for everything. Basically this is a disruption of the peace

  56. This wasn't a correct way to protest in this area. Protest outside the area would of lead to greater outcomes rather than bad ones. If you are making other innocent citizens feel uncomfortable how are you making a effort to help your cause. It just seems as if you are ruining someone else day

  57. All I have to say is that we are humans. If hate speech is censored then we as human being will create a new slang to insult someone or put someone down. Its human nature to feel superior over another. In all honestly haters gonna hate either with words or bats. There is an old saying "If you give a person a foot ( as in a measurement not an actually foot) they will take a mile". That works both ways of the arguement. It's human nature to whether it would be the use of freedom of speech or something else. Its in our nature to take things too far. The founding fathers had to of realized this and I'm sure most of them used "hate speech" just as much as any other human would.

  58. In this world alot of people execrate each other and actions that are made throughout life. I often wonder what life is like in the postion of superior people. Protesting is often taken to far not by the protesters but by the people that try to stop it. Im not trying to say one particular group is better or wrong but im just saying people take things much farther than how they have to go.

  59. This wasn't a correct way to protest in this area. Protest outside the area would of lead to greater outcomes rather than bad ones. This shouldn't make people feel a certain way about the situation which means the protesting wasn't done right. There is a time and place for everything.

  60. I think that protesters are pretty brave for standing up for what they believe in peacefully. I thinnk a protest is a good way to get your opinion or message out there so thast you can be heard. I also believe that there are limits to protesting. Disrupting a business and not even gotteing a clear message across is rude honestly. They could have at least sent a clear message as to why they barged in to a diner and interrupted the services going on there.also People deserve the right to speak their mind but not in a violent way. People know what to do and what not to do so they deserve to show how they feel about a situation but show it in a way that is not in a form of destroying proprieties and damaging things to get their point out to whomever they want to.In this world alot of people execrate each other and actions that are made throughout life. I often wonder what life is like in the postion of superior people. Protesting is often taken to far not by the protesters but by the people that try to stop it. Im not trying to say one particular group is better or wrong but im just saying people take things much farther than how they have to go.

  61. There is a correct way to protest, and this is not it. When you make people uncomfortable, you lose progress for the cause. Sometimes you can make things worse with an unruly protest. That being said, there should be no limitations to protesting.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. I think that protesters are pretty brave for standing up for what they believe in peacefully I think a protest is a good way to get your opinion or message out there so that you can be heard I also believe that there are limits to protesting People know what to do and what not to do so they deserve to show how they feel about a situation but show it in a way that is not in a form of destroying proprieties.

  64. I think that while protesting is okay, it is not okay to do it in certain places. The protesters could have gone somewhere else and protested instead of interrupting these innocent people while they are just trying to have dinner. I do understand why they were protesting though, and I do kind of agree with it. I do think that there should be limits to protesting because if not a peaceful protest could turn into something otherwise.

  65. I feel like there should be some limitations on protesting. Things should stay the way they are. You can make people very upset by doing flash mobs and things like that. There can a different way to get your opinion across to other people.

  66. Protesting is ok, it is a way to express that you are not happy with the current standards around you. You are brave if you protest but you also know what you are getting yourself into and what you are getting others into. Your actions affect everything and everyone around you.

  67. I think the limitations set on protesting today are fine. As long as it's non-violent and if they aren't disturbing people's lives then I think its fine. The people involved in the protest just need common sense in what they are doing. I don't think people would want to support their specific group if all they do is disturb peoples time to relax.

  68. I feel protesting should have no limits when it comes to standing for what you believe in the public. I only feel it is a true problem when people choose to follow others around and appear at their homes. Therefore if it is safely done in a public environment I think it is a great thing.

  69. I feel protesting should have no limits when it comes to standing for what you believe in the public. I only feel it is a true problem when people choose to follow others around and appear at their homes. Therefore if it is safely done in a public environment I think it is a great thing.

  70. I do not think there should be any limitations to protest as long as nobody is being hurt. Now there is right and wrong ways to protest and there are certain things you should and should not do. If you are making other innocent citizens feel uncomfortable how are you making a effort to help your cause. It just seems as if you are ruining someone else day. So, with that being said; I do not have a problem with protesting but there are right and wrong ways to do it.

  71. To protest in this manner is in fact eye catching. This method does exactly what the purpose of protesting is for to gain the attention of society and raise awareness of issue in hopes of change. As long as the protesters are doing so in a peaceful and not harmful manner, I see no reason for limits any further than that.

  72. I think that protesters are pretty brave for standing up for what they believe in peacefully. I thinnk a protest is a good way to get your opinion or message out there so thast you can be heard. I also believe that there are limits to protesting. Disrupting a business and not even gotteing a clear message across is rude honestly. They could have at least sent a clear message as to why they barged in to a diner and interrupted the services going on there.

  73. Let them do what they will. These people are indignant and they have to let it out somehow. They aint hurting anybody so i dont see any harm in it.

  74. Let them do what they will. These people are indignant and they have to let it out somehow. They aint hurting anybody so i dont see any harm in it.

  75. As far as I know, protesting should be limited to the location it is begin held at such as public domains, streets, etc. Sure these locations can spread the word though your protest more easily however protesters are more likely to disobey a law and disrupt the public in an unlikely manor. An example includes blocking off streets during black Friday, damaging property and households in the neighborhood, barging into open businesses and driving the customers out, and disrupting the peace. Protesting should not be banned however it should be more managed to prevent any disruptions from occurring.

  76. There is a wrong way and a right way to do things. I promote protesting, but there are boundaries that shouldn't be crossed when standing up for what you believe in. protests should always be peaceful no matter what the cause or the message is simply not as effective. This method is exactly what others should taken notes and learn from. It is appealing while at the same time no causing any harm to others. The message is being put out in a positive manner.

  77. There is a wrong way and a right way to do things. I promote protesting, but there are boundaries that shouldn't be crossed when standing up for what you believe in. protests should always be peaceful no matter what the cause or the message is simply not as effective. This method is exactly what others should taken notes and learn from. It is appealing while at the same time no causing any harm to others. The message is being put out in a positive manner.

  78. This was the wrong way to protest but if there is a limited to protest, the next thing they'd limit would be freedom of speech and our other amendment rights. Before we knew it, our rights would be gone completely. Also, people need to be able to give the person/company/thing they're protesting against one hell of a time if they actually want to make a difference and knowing the government, the restrictions would be severe like: No using a voice higher than a whisper; no signs.

  79. I think as long as the protest are safe and non- violent it is okay. Sometimes making people feel uncomfortable is the only way for things to change. These people were not violent so there should not be a problem. Sure these people in the restaurants will complain but the bigger issue will be remembered.

  80. Even though they are protesting for a good reason, i feel that they are really bothering the people inside the restaurant even though they didn't even have anything to do with what they are protesting for. As long as the people don't complain about it, i think that they should keep protesting until someone say that it is a major problem.
