Music is an important use for expressing feeling or sending a message to the listener. Music can give people inspiration, mood, and change the opinion and thoughts of other people. Music can be provided to the people as an uplift or change of heart. Music can alter your emotions if you find the correct song you feel as your favorite. Music can be a similar expression to yourself if you listen hard enough.
I do not have one favorite band because some of the songs I listen to, I can enjoy. I have many favorite songs ranging from alternative to dance. I would not claim one band or musician to be my favorite because they cannot make other forms or styles of music. Any musician can do better than the other however their frequency of good songs can differ. With all the bands I prefer I only prefer because of their music.
Music is important becuase it allows you to express yourself. It lets everyone know who you truly are. When you are down , sometimes music lifts you up. When youre out with your friends , youre lit! Music is the way of life. My favorite musicians are Kanye West and Nicki Minaj. They both teach you to be yourself no matter what people think. They teach theyre fans taht uniqueness isnt a bad thing, Accept who you are and love music.
Music is important because it can describe people, places, movies, or animals that words can’t. Without music, the world would have a hard time understanding other things.Music is important to people’s lives because it makes things better when things aren’t going right in the world. Music builds imagination and intellectual curiosity: Introducing music in the early childhood years can help foster a positive attitude toward learning and curiosity. Artistic education develops the whole brain and develops a child’s imagination.
I don not have a favorite band or musician because a lot of them inspire to do different things and different moods can vary the type of music people listen to. I like music because it's a form of expression whether about emotions, life, or whatever is going on with you at the point of time. Music inspires not only me to show self expression and what I like most about them is that music can bring people together no matter where they are from or where they are going they can share and interest in one song or artist.
Music is important because it can help people in many ways. Music helps people sing,dance,learn, and can even help them concentrate. Music calms and relaxes the mind and is so important it makes people rich. Music has made its way to being people's careers. My favorite musician is chief keef. Chief Keef's music helps me concentrate and focus during school.
music is important because it helps you express yourselves. you can let out your feelings threw music. music is important because it can lift up your sprit when you need it. I really don't have a favorite band or genre I like music that can speak to me except for country music I do not like country music it my least favorite genre. Mallan Neblett
For the listener, Music helps accomplish many things. It can help you organize thoughts and help you work faster. It can affect your mood as well. Music can improve your mood or cradle you when you're sad. Music is something that you can just vibe with no matter what mood you're in really. The same goes for playing music and making music. People who create music can express how they feel in so many ways. They can say what they want or if they dont know how they can use the music instead of words.
Honestly, I can't simply choose a FAVORITE musician/ band. Most of the time I just listen to whatever I feel like listening to at the time. Sometimes it's bandS OF classic rock or alternative, and other times i want to listen to rap and hip hop. I like music from lots of time periods as well so choosing a favorite would definately difficult.
Maria Carter I love music and it all can be very inspiring. music can make people sad, happy or even pumped up to work out. all types of music in influence people differently. i personally like to focus on more positive music. because music is tied to so many feelings and ways to think about life and people i try to keep it positive and happy. i want the music i listen to reflect who i am and my personality.
Owl City ( or Adam Young) is my favorite singer/ song writer. All his music is beautiful and most songs are upbeat and happy. he sings about the beautiful things people need to appreciate and silly things to make you smile when you listen to him. Adam has sleep insomnia so he makes a lot of his music at night. with that in mind its inspiring to see him turn something sad into something happy. It brings joy listening to all his music.
Music is important because it shows culture and helps people express themselves through these artist music. Music has a lot of meanings in some cases send messages to the listener, sometimes is just something that is used to get a point out on something. My favorite Artists is J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar these 2 artist are used a lot when you ask who is your favorite artist because the type of music they make but i chose these 2 because of the story behind every lyrics they speak of and where they come and how they made it to where they are.
Music is important because it helps you express yourself in ways that you can’t with normal talking.Music is important to me because it gives me something to look forward to everyday.Music is important because it allows people to be creative and it offers more life to people.Music is important in my life because it gives me something to do. I think it is important to the world. I really love music because I am a musician.“Music is important in my life because I listen to it everyday. It helps me relax.
Music is important because it can bring people together. It is know as the international language where everybody know and can feel it. Like michael jackson he was a international pop star everybody in different countries know who he is though and like his music.
I dont have a favorite artist. The music in really like is underground rappers.
Music is like a highway to people's emotions. They have different emotions for different things they are going through. If they're in there feelings or upset they will listen to songs where the artist feels the same way. These emotions cant alter or change what you listen to all the time.
My favorite artist is a rap artist named Kendrick Lamar aka Kdot. He expresses himself by rapping about his past and this that are wrong with society today. His most recent album "To Pimp A Butterfly" just dropped yesterday. It is mostly about racism and unfair treatment in the society of African American people and people in general. Kendrick Lamar is inspiring to me because of how he makes people know what is happening in the world. He also has an Old school vibe which I enjoy hearing a lot.
Music is important to both musicians and listeners because it evokes a spectrum of emotions. Music can be fun and simple or heart wrenching and intricate. I believe that music has the power of healing as well as the power of destruction. I have been inspired by music, broken down because of a song, and walk to the school bus every morning with an earbud in my right ear to wake me up and help me start my day feeling good. I think it is difficult for many people to choose their favorite musician or band. I don't have one myself, but I can choose one out of my top five. Sia is an artist who has just recently become a phenomenon in media with her abstract music video concepts and giant wigs. She gets a lot of negative judgement because people label her weird and pretentious, but Sia has been around for a while and her stories are powerful. I don't think she should be reduced to one song (though it is her most famous), "Chandelier." She is a woman with a beautiful voice and a vision that makes me love her. Her creativity, talent, and drive is what inspires me.
Music is important due to the fact it helps people cope with serious problems within their lives. Music has always been something that people use to rejoice or to mourn. Meaning music is something that captures people's emotion and can change them also. Music has been something which was always there for people making it something which most of us have come to love. I feel music is a form of art which we all need to express are feelings and deal with them.
S3RL is one of my favorite artist out of many. He makes a happy hardcore type music. I like his music because of the upbeat feeling I have while listening to it. He is a DJ and I generally listen to him when I am having a good day. He encourages me to have a happier day and make the most of my life.
Music makes me relaxed , I don't have a certain band I like but my favorite music is hip hop and r&b I'm not to big on jazz and rap that much but I believe music makes you feel good and bad at the same time it can make you get in your feelings it can make you cry all of that.
Music really isn't important to me as much as it is to some people. My favorite genre of music is country. Country relaxes me and makes me think about the life i want to have. Some of my favorite artist of the greatest genre ever is Darius Wheeler, Blake Shelton, and Luke bryan.
Music is important because it expresses someone's feelings without him/her doing anything. It cheers people up when they are down and sometimes it sends a message to listeners who need advice. Music also brings people down when they are most vulnerable. It shows their inner-most feelings when they try to hide from it. Music basically calls out people's emotions. I like music because it relaxes me when I stress about things. It takes my focus away from difficult things and lets me have some fun for a while. Music is important to me because it brings me up when I am down. I enjoy music when I have to do boring things because it makes those things a little less boring.
Music inspires people to do what they want to do and be what they want to be. There are many music artist that share stories about their past and hardships growing up. These stories have the ability to inspire a large amount of young listeners to do better as they grow up. They give hope to people who believe they have no where else to turn or nothing else to do.
For the listener, Music helps accomplish many things. It can help you organize thoughts and help you work faster. It can affect your mood as well. Music can improve your mood or cradle you when you're sad. Music is something that you can just vibe with no matter what mood you're in really. The same goes for playing music and making music. People who create music can express how they feel in so many ways. They can say what they want or if they dont know how they can use the music instead of words.
Honestly, I can't simply choose a FAVORITE musician/ band. Most of the time I just listen to whatever I feel like listening to at the time. Sometimes it's bands OF classic rock or alternative, and other times i want to listen to rap and hip hop. I like music from lots of time periods as well so choosing a favorite would definitely difficult.
Music by feavert musician is TIm Mcgraw his Music inspires me to be who i want to be and to not let nothing stop me from doing any thing that i want to do.
Music is important to both musicians and listeners because it evokes a spectrum of emotions. Music can be fun and simple or heart wrenching and intricate. There are many music artist that share stories about their past and hardships growing up.Music is very popular and strong
Music is an important use for expressing feeling or sending a message to the listener. Music can give people inspiration, mood, and change the opinion and thoughts of other people. Music can be provided to the people as an uplift or change of heart. Music can alter your emotions if you find the correct song you feel as your favorite. Music can be a similar expression to yourself if you listen hard enough.
I do not have one favorite band because some of the songs I listen to, I can enjoy. I have many favorite songs ranging from alternative to dance. I would not claim one band or musician to be my favorite because they cannot make other forms or styles of music. Any musician can do better than the other however their frequency of good songs can differ. With all the bands I prefer I only prefer because of their music.
Music is important because it can describe people, places, movies, or animals that words can’t. Without music, the world would have a hard time understanding other things.Music is important to people’s lives because it makes things better when things aren’t going right in the world. Music builds imagination and intellectual curiosity: Introducing music in the early childhood years can help foster a positive attitude toward learning and curiosity. Artistic education develops the whole brain and develops a child’s imagination.
Music is important because it can describe people, places, movies, and animals that words can’t. Without music we would have a hard time understanding other things.Music is relevant to people’s lives because it makes things better when things aren't going right in the world. Music builds imagination and other things: Introducing music in the early childhood years can help a positive attitude toward learning and curiosity. Artistic education develops the whole brain and develops a child’s imagination.
Music is important because it can help people as an outlet for stress. People can express themselves through music and this helps in today's society. Anyone can find a type of music or an artist that they enjoy listening to. I like listening to rap and I believe Chief Keef is the greatest rapper of all time. Nobody is messing with Keef, he's destroying the industry.
I do personally have one artist that I mainly listen to; and that is Chief Keef. It's hard to listen to competitors when they don't even come close to what Keef has accomplished. With that being said, I listen to Chief Keef all the time and believe in him as an artist.
Music is a very important because it provides people with a way to express themselves whether you are a creator or listener, it opens one imagination. J.Cole is was born in Germany and raised in North Carolina. His mother was white and his father was black who left him at a young age. He graduated high school with a 4.2 and attended St Johns where he graduated magna cum laude with a perfect 4.0 The thing i like about JCole is that he provides me deep topics to think on instead of the shallow aspects of our society that most artist harp on today
music is important because it helps you express yourselves. you can let out your feelings threw music. music is important because it can lift up your sprit when you need it.Music is important to people’s lives because it makes things better when kind of music is rap my favorite rapper is meek mill kevin gates. cause there music is inspiring to me and they rap about stuff that makes u think
Music is important because it is a way for people to express themselves. It can be an outlet for them to release stress or any other problems going on in their lives. Likewise, it can bring a message into the world. I really enjoy music because it expresses how i feel. My favorite artist is Keyshia Cole. I like the way she expresses herself through her music. Likewise, she breaks it down to her audience to make sure they get an understanding of what she is talking about .
Music is a very important way to express yourself through song. It helps people release stress,anger,sadness etc. Music can show awareness of current issues and have messages that can change lives across the world.Music and lyrics can paint pictures for the listener.The musician is giving you an outlook on their life and experiences.
Music is a very important way to express yourself through song. It helps people release stress,anger,sadness etc. Music can show awareness of current issues and have messages that can change lives across the world.Music and lyrics can paint pictures for the listener.The musician is giving you an outlook on their life and experiences.
Music is important because it expresses someone's feelings without him/her doing anything. It cheers people up when they are down and sometimes it sends a message to listeners who need advice. Music also brings people down when they are most vulnerable. It shows their inner-most feelings when they try to hide from it. Music basically calls out people's emotions. I like music because it relaxes me when I stress about things. It takes my focus away from difficult things and lets me have some fun for a while. Music is important to me because it brings me up when I am down. I enjoy music when I have to do boring things because it makes those things a little less boring.
The importance of music is different in every individual's life. It inspires people and allows us to get in touch with our emotions in a way that is unique. For those amongst us who find it difficult to express ourselves, music can evoke reactions. Your mood can change from dark and depressed to elated and deliriously happy with just the selection of the right track and a hit of the play button. I really admire Martina McBride, in country music. She is so humble and down to earth from what I've seen and supports lots of charities. She sings with all her heart, and about things that matter to people. She seems very family oriented, too. I would love to meet her.
Music has substantial evolutionary survival value.Music is also a crucial tool for social bonding among adults, for making a tribe feel like a tribe. We use music to modulate our own emotions and those of others. There are ecstatic chants and dances for spiritual purposes, or for just relaxing and relieving stress. There are work songs to make tedious tasks more bearable. There are marches and fight songs to prepare for battle, and there are lullabies to soothe each other to sleep.
Music lifts up your soul and releases it. Music is what moves everyone, and without it, life would be pointless. Music is important because it can describe people, places, movies, or animals that words can’t. Without music, the world would have a hard time understanding is different in every individual's life. It inspires people and allows us to get in touch with our emotions in a way that is unique. For those amongst us who find it difficult to express ourselves, music can evoke reactions.These stories have the ability to inspire a large amount of young listeners to do better as they grow up. They give hope to people who believe they have no where else to turn or nothing else to do. i don/t have a fav musician/band.
music is important to me because i want to be a recording engineer wen i get out of high school its my passion to make and listen to music. without music ii wouldnt be the same at all. music is my inspiration i would be cranky in the morning if i didnt listen to music
Music is an art form whose medium is sound. It allows a person to express how the feel about someone or something. A person can easily relieve stress by doing this. There are also, lots of different types of music such as rap, r&b, country, rock, and etc. I usually listen to rap and r&b.
My most favorite rapper right now is J.Cole. He talks about things that are most relevant to the world today and talks about true things. He has a unique way of rapping and he has a great rhythm in his beats. He encourages me to be honest to everyone and see who can be a truthful friend or not.
Music is important because it is an art form. It is a form of expression. It is a form of communication. My personal favorite artist is Frank Ocean. I would marry Frank Ocean.
Music is important because it is an art form. It is a form of expression. It is a form of communication. My personal favorite artist is Frank Ocean. I would marry Frank Ocean.
David Carter I think music is important because it is a life style. Every song that was sung or music made has its own story, as well as its own message. music is an inspiration to many people and I think it has an influence on peoples lives. now I could drone on and on about how music is life and how its oh so great, but you wont ever know until you listen for yourself and have the experience of listening to all types of it and deciding for yourself if what all I say is true.
Music is important to both musicians and listeners because it evokes a spectrum of emotions. Music can be fun and simple or heart wrenching and intricate. I believe that music has the power of healing as well as the power of destruction. I have been inspired by music, broken down because of a song, and walk to the school bus every morning with an earbud in my right ear to wake me up and help me start my day feeling good. Music is an art form whose medium is sound. It allows a person to express how the feel about someone or something. A person can easily relieve stress by doing this. There are also, lots of different types of music such as rap, r&b, country, rock, and etc. I usually listen to rap and r&b.
Music is important because it's a way of self expression. We all love music. It can put us in different emotions and feelings. And even though it makes us feel sad , there is also music that makes us feel amazing, My favorite musician or band would be Chris Brown, because he has songs that can make you feel like dancing and having fun but then he also has songs that make you really think and get you through. But for the most part I am an open person, I listen to many different genres from R&b to Pop music. I like it all.
As a DJ I have seen the effect of people through music. With certain songs they bring back timeless memories for people. Also music had gotten people through certain situations. With one my favorite J Cole he speaks that real thats relates to male and female. He gets people to thinking too about the consequences that come up with turning up, relationships and etc. Also another artist i like is K Camp he one of the Atlanta artist that really don't get his recognition like he should. He's making quality turn up music that is following the trap beat pattern and I give mad respect to K Camp on that.
Music is important because it is a form of art. It is way to self express. It is a way to communicate without two people having too meet or holding a conversation. It transfers it's emotions and feelings to us. Most importantly music is a life style. Every song has its own unique story. Music is such a pivotal aspect in peoples lives, i could not imagine a world without it.
My favorite music is that ratchet trap music. I be bumping that in my car, in my room, at parties; anytime you see me with headphones i'm blasting it so loud everyone can hear it naw mean. I listen to that gucci mane (free gucci-2016), young thug, young dolph, migos, Rich Homie, everybody from Atlanta i rock with. Honestly Atlanta music is the best on the planet even though migos from Gwinett. But hands down cheif keef is the best rapper of all time, anybody who disagrees "i dont like."
Music is important because its a talent. Music can be expressed in many different ways to help others get through things or send a message to someones heart. My favorite music is hip hop. I just love the beats and the way everyone be so turnt about the music.
Music is important becuase it allows you to express yourself. It lets everyone know who you truly are. When you are down , sometimes music lifts you up. When youre out with your friends ! Music is the way of life.
Music is important because it is soothing for me music relaxes me. When I'm angry music calms it bring some kind of peace to me to help me. Music also brings people down when they are most vulnerable. It shows their inner-most feelings when they try to hide from it. Music basically calls out people's emotions. My favorite artists is Beyonce. Beyoncé Knowles is a multi-platinum, Grammy Award-winning recording artist who's acclaimed for her thrilling vocals, videos and live shows.
Music is important because it is soothing for me music relaxes me. When I'm angry music calms it bring some kind of peace to me to help me. Music also brings people down when they are most vulnerable. It shows their inner-most feelings when they try to hide from it. Music basically calls out people's emotions. My favorite artists is Beyonce. Beyoncé Knowles is a multi-platinum, Grammy Award-winning recording artist who's acclaimed for her thrilling vocals, videos and live shows.
Music is important because it allows you to express yourself. The type of music you like shows who you are and what you enjoy. Music makes you feel free and lets you have tons of fun.
My favorite artist is lil durk. a very turnt rapper that knows how to get you lit.
Music is important because it helps you express yourself in ways that you can’t with normal talking.Music is important to me because it gives me something to look forward to everyday.Music is important because it allows people to be creative and it offers more life to people.Music is important in my life because it gives me something to do. I think it is important to the world. I really love music because I am a musician.“Music is important in my life because I listen to it everyday. It helps me relax.
Lexi Stokes Music is a form of art. There are many styles of music. There is rap, hip hop, jazz, rock and roll, and many others. It can be a creative way to express yourself and every help you pass time. Now a days, people like to listen to music as they do work to help them concentrate. I don't have a one favorite band or singer, I enjoy many. I especially enjoy J-pop and K-pop. It may be in another language but I still enjoy all the music and learning at the same time.
Music is important becuase it allows you to express yourself. It lets everyone know who you truly are. When you are down , sometimes music lifts you up. When youre out with your friends , youre lit! Music is the way of life. My favorite musicians are Kanye West and Nicki Minaj. They both teach you to be yourself no matter what people think. They teach theyre fans taht uniqueness isnt a bad thing, Accept who you are and love music.
Music is an important use for expressing feeling or sending a message to the listener. Music can give people inspiration, mood, and change the opinion and thoughts of other people. Music can be provided to the people as an uplift or change of heart. Music can alter your emotions if you find the correct song you feel as your favorite. Music can be a similar expression to yourself if you listen hard enough.
I do not have one favorite band because some of the songs I listen to, I can enjoy. I have many favorite songs ranging from alternative to dance. I would not claim one band or musician to be my favorite because they cannot make other forms or styles of music. Any musician can do better than the other however their frequency of good songs can differ. With all the bands I prefer I only prefer because of their music.
usic is important because it expresses someone's feelings without him/her doing anything. It cheers people up when they are down and sometimes it sends a message to listeners who need advice. Music also brings people down when they are most vulnerable. It shows their inner-most feelings when they try to hide from it. Music basically calls out people's emotions. I like music because it relaxes me when I stress about things. It takes my focus away from difficult things and lets me have some fun for a while. Music is important to me because it brings me up when I am down. I enjoy music when I have to do boring things because it makes those things a little less boring.
I love music and it all can be very inspiring. music can make people sad, happy or even pumped up to work out. all types of music in influence people differently. i personally like to focus on more positive music. because music is tied to so many feelings and ways to think about life and people i try to keep it positive and happy. i want the music i listen to reflect who i am and my personality.
Owl City ( or Adam Young) is my favorite singer/ song writer. All his music is beautiful and most songs are upbeat and happy. he sings about the beautiful things people need to appreciate and silly things to make you smile when you listen to him. Adam has sleep insomnia so he makes a lot of his music at night. with that in mind its inspiring to see him turn something sad into something happy. It brings joy listening to all his music.
Music is an important use for expressing feeling or sending a message to the listener. Music can give people inspiration, mood, and change the opinion and thoughts of other people. Music can be provided to the people as an uplift or change of heart. Music can alter your emotions if you find the correct song you feel as your favorite. Music can be a similar expression to yourself if you listen hard enough.
my favorite musician is most definitely Kanye West. he's so inspirational and you can really feel what hes saying in his lyrics. everyone you ask will pretty much agree with me.No other rapper is touching him right now .His music just can change my mood so easily
I honestly dont have a favorite band. I like all types of genres. Everything is good to me. I listen to everything from country to screamo. Everyone has there own types of favorite music.I like them all though.
My favorite two artist are Fantasia Barrino and Emeli Sande because they inspire me to be a better person. When you battle with certain stuff you always need music that relates to your situation. This music inspires me to keep my head up and to believe in my self lets not forget Babyface and Jagged edge i love these two groups as well. Even though they are pretty old i always lsiten to them when im feeling bad its like they lift me up out of my dry place.
music is important because it is in everything that can make one happy! their is a wide variety of music that can appeal to many peoples interest. Some like slow gam some like hip hop but there is something that appeals to everyone. there is not one person that can live a full life without listening to one song at all.
my favorite artist is Jhene Aiko because of her style of music. most of her music is slow but has a lot of bass in the background
Music is important because it provides many people with high paying jobs some of whom might be in prison without it. It inspires people of all ages to do all sorts of great things and brings out the best in some. My favorite artist is none other than the Based God himself lil b. He is spitting bars that the world is not truly prepared for.
Music is important because it provides many people with high paying jobs some of whom might be in prison without it. It inspires people of all ages to do all sorts of great things and brings out the best in some. My favorite artist is none other than the Based God himself lil b. He is spitting bars that the world is not truly prepared for.
Music is important because it can bring people together. It is know as the international language where everybody know and can feel it. Like michael jackson he was a international pop star everybody in different countries know who he is though and like his music.
Music is important because it can bring people together. It is know as the international language where everybody know and can feel it. Like michael jackson he was a international pop star everybody in different countries know who he is though and like his music.
Music is a very important way to express yourself through song. It helps people release stress,anger,sadness etc. Music can show awareness of current issues and have messages that can change lives across the world.Music and lyrics can paint pictures for the listener.The musician is giving you an outlook on their life and experiences.
music is so important it has the power to move people . people are able to express themselves through song and music. it is the international language of the world and its been proven time and time again by countless individuals. my favorite artist is a rapper named peewee long-way . he is an Atlanta rapper who raps about a variety of topics but touches different people from different walks of life.many people in atlanta and around the world can relate to him and the things he raps about. a few of the topics he talks about are the struggle he faced before he "made it" an made a name for himself. He mentions very often about how he had to sell drugs at one point in his life and about many of the adventures he has had with some of his friends like other rappers such as young thug , rich homie quan & hood rich Pablo . with his new release " the king size blue m&m" i think this will take him to the next level of his career and get him more exposure . which will only bring him higher in the rap game.
Music is an important use for expressing feeling or sending a message to the listener. Music can give people inspiration, mood, and change the opinion and thoughts of other people. Music can be provided to the people as an uplift or change of heart. Music can alter your emotions if you find the correct song you feel as your favorite. Music can be a similar expression to yourself if you listen hard enough. Music is also a good culturally thing. Brings people together often times with different backgrounds. Music from different generations often times a different feel and flow to it.
like music because it relaxes me when I stress about things. It takes my focus away from difficult things and lets me have some fun for a while. Music is important to me because it brings me up when I am down. I enjoy music when I have to do boring things because it makes those things a little less boring.
Music is important because it can describe people, places, movies, or animals that words can’t. Without music, the world would have a hard time understanding other things. My favorite rapper is peeweelonGway.hes from Atlanta who raps about different thinGs.
Music is important because it allows an artists to communicate his or her feelings and also to inspire their listeners. Music is an aid that helps many people cope with serious situations. At the worst point in your life, you can turn to music to help you. Music is the one thing that will always be there for you no matter what. Music inspires many important people in the world. Due to the fact that music inspires others, it is the one thing needed to inspire upcoming legends to chase their musical dreams. Nine times out of ten, an artist will say that they were inspired by another musical artist. Usually one that came before them. This is why music continues to grow. This is why music continues to allow people to express how they feel without hesitation and fear of judgment.
Music is an important use for expressing feeling or sending a message to the listener. Music can give people inspiration, mood, and change the opinion and thoughts of other people. Music can be provided to the people as an uplift or change of heart. Music can alter your emotions if you find the correct song you feel as your favorite. Music can be a similar expression to yourself if you listen hard enough.
Music is important because it serves multiple purposes. One, music helps us get away from all the clutter in life. A great example in my life at work is listening to classical music and it helps me focus at my desk when a great deal of activity/talking is going on with co-workers. It also is great for exercising and focusing on the physical activity at hand especially if running or doing cardio. Second, it helps us express ourselves.
Music is very important to me. I listen to music everyday for various reasons. Music serves as a language barrier, therapy and other effects besides just entertainment. Music is what brings people together from different races band backgrounds. Music is one common bond that people can share with each other. Some people use music as a form of venting. Someones emotions can be embodied into a song and therefore can resonate with the listener. Music can be spiritual even with gospel music as an example. Gospel music is used so people can further connect with God and rejoice in his greatness.
Music is important because it allows people to express themselves it is a form of art. Music allows me personally to escape the constant movement of life and relax and think for myself. The music is extremely calming and is a true escape from real world issues. Music is the best way to express your soul. I do not have a favorite band or musician. I like anything that catches my ear. i find all types of music different and interesting. i like to listen to music in the car or with my headphones. I love blasting my music to the top of my lungs. It gives me a serious high listening to music.
Music is important to me and the rest of the world because it expresses many things that can happen, may have already happened, or is happening right now. Music also is a tool used by musicians to explain the environment that they live in (such as East/West Coast rap). Music is used constantly for other things such as in the background of movies, dancing, and etc.... Currently A$AP Rocky is my favorite music artist at the moment because i love the way that his music is about his life, how he loves fashion, and you can really tell where he is from what his lyrics represent. Also i like how he proudly represents his hometown city of Harlem.
Music is an important use for expressing feeling or sending a message to the listener. Music can give people inspiration, mood, and change the opinion and thoughts of other people. Music can be provided to the people as an uplift or change of heart. Music can alter your emotions if you find the correct song you feel as your favorite. Music can be a similar expression to yourself if you listen hard enough.
ReplyDeleteI do not have one favorite band because some of the songs I listen to, I can enjoy. I have many favorite songs ranging from alternative to dance. I would not claim one band or musician to be my favorite because they cannot make other forms or styles of music. Any musician can do better than the other however their frequency of good songs can differ. With all the bands I prefer I only prefer because of their music.
Music is important becuase it allows you to express yourself. It lets everyone know who you truly are. When you are down , sometimes music lifts you up. When youre out with your friends , youre lit! Music is the way of life.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite musicians are Kanye West and Nicki Minaj. They both teach you to be yourself no matter what people think. They teach theyre fans taht uniqueness isnt a bad thing, Accept who you are and love music.
Music is important because it can describe people, places, movies, or animals that words can’t. Without music, the world would have a hard time understanding other things.Music is important to people’s lives because it makes things better when things aren’t going right in the world. Music builds imagination and intellectual curiosity: Introducing music in the early childhood years can help foster a positive attitude toward learning and curiosity. Artistic education develops the whole brain and develops a child’s imagination.
ReplyDeleteI don not have a favorite band or musician because a lot of them inspire to do different things and different moods can vary the type of music people listen to. I like music because it's a form of expression whether about emotions, life, or whatever is going on with you at the point of time.
ReplyDeleteMusic inspires not only me to show self expression and what I like most about them is that music can bring people together no matter where they are from or where they are going they can share and interest in one song or artist.
Music is important because it can help people in many ways. Music helps people sing,dance,learn, and can even help them concentrate. Music calms and relaxes the mind and is so important it makes people rich. Music has made its way to being people's careers. My favorite musician is chief keef. Chief Keef's music helps me concentrate and focus during school.
ReplyDeletemusic is important because it helps you express yourselves. you can let out your feelings threw music. music is important because it can lift up your sprit when you need it. I really don't have a favorite band or genre I like music that can speak to me except for country music I do not like country music it my least favorite genre. Mallan Neblett
ReplyDeleteFor the listener, Music helps accomplish many things. It can help you organize thoughts and help you work faster. It can affect your mood as well. Music can improve your mood or cradle you when you're sad. Music is something that you can just vibe with no matter what mood you're in really. The same goes for playing music and making music. People who create music can express how they feel in so many ways. They can say what they want or if they dont know how they can use the music instead of words.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I can't simply choose a FAVORITE musician/ band. Most of the time I just listen to whatever I feel like listening to at the time. Sometimes it's bandS OF classic rock or alternative, and other times i want to listen to rap and hip hop. I like music from lots of time periods as well so choosing a favorite would definately difficult.
Maria Carter
ReplyDeleteI love music and it all can be very inspiring. music can make people sad, happy or even pumped up to work out. all types of music in influence people differently. i personally like to focus on more positive music. because music is tied to so many feelings and ways to think about life and people i try to keep it positive and happy. i want the music i listen to reflect who i am and my personality.
Owl City ( or Adam Young) is my favorite singer/ song writer. All his music is beautiful and most songs are upbeat and happy. he sings about the beautiful things people need to appreciate and silly things to make you smile when you listen to him. Adam has sleep insomnia so he makes a lot of his music at night. with that in mind its inspiring to see him turn something sad into something happy. It brings joy listening to all his music.
Music is important because it shows culture and helps people express themselves through these artist music. Music has a lot of meanings in some cases send messages to the listener, sometimes is just something that is used to get a point out on something. My favorite Artists is J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar these 2 artist are used a lot when you ask who is your favorite artist because the type of music they make but i chose these 2 because of the story behind every lyrics they speak of and where they come and how they made it to where they are.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it helps you express yourself in ways that you can’t with normal talking.Music is important to me because it gives me something to look forward to everyday.Music is important because it allows people to be creative and it offers more life to people.Music is important in my life because it gives me something to do. I think it is important to the world. I really love music because I am a musician.“Music is important in my life because I listen to it everyday. It helps me relax.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it can bring people together. It is know as the international language where everybody know and can feel it. Like michael jackson he was a international pop star everybody in different countries know who he is though and like his music.
ReplyDeleteI dont have a favorite artist. The music in really like is underground rappers.
Music is like a highway to people's emotions. They have different emotions for different things they are going through. If they're in there feelings or upset they will listen to songs where the artist feels the same way. These emotions cant alter or change what you listen to all the time.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite artist is a rap artist named Kendrick Lamar aka Kdot. He expresses himself by rapping about his past and this that are wrong with society today. His most recent album "To Pimp A Butterfly" just dropped yesterday. It is mostly about racism and unfair treatment in the society of African American people and people in general. Kendrick Lamar is inspiring to me because of how he makes people know what is happening in the world. He also has an Old school vibe which I enjoy hearing a lot.
Music is important to both musicians and listeners because it evokes a spectrum of emotions. Music can be fun and simple or heart wrenching and intricate. I believe that music has the power of healing as well as the power of destruction. I have been inspired by music, broken down because of a song, and walk to the school bus every morning with an earbud in my right ear to wake me up and help me start my day feeling good.
ReplyDeleteI think it is difficult for many people to choose their favorite musician or band. I don't have one myself, but I can choose one out of my top five. Sia is an artist who has just recently become a phenomenon in media with her abstract music video concepts and giant wigs. She gets a lot of negative judgement because people label her weird and pretentious, but Sia has been around for a while and her stories are powerful. I don't think she should be reduced to one song (though it is her most famous), "Chandelier." She is a woman with a beautiful voice and a vision that makes me love her. Her creativity, talent, and drive is what inspires me.
Music is important due to the fact it helps people cope with serious problems within their lives. Music has always been something that people use to rejoice or to mourn. Meaning music is something that captures people's emotion and can change them also. Music has been something which was always there for people making it something which most of us have come to love. I feel music is a form of art which we all need to express are feelings and deal with them.
ReplyDeleteS3RL is one of my favorite artist out of many. He makes a happy hardcore type music. I like his music because of the upbeat feeling I have while listening to it. He is a DJ and I generally listen to him when I am having a good day. He encourages me to have a happier day and make the most of my life.
Music makes me relaxed , I don't have a certain band I like but my favorite music is hip hop and r&b I'm not to big on jazz and rap that much but I believe music makes you feel good and bad at the same time it can make you get in your feelings it can make you cry all of that.
ReplyDeleteMusic really isn't important to me as much as it is to some people. My favorite genre of music is country. Country relaxes me and makes me think about the life i want to have. Some of my favorite artist of the greatest genre ever is Darius Wheeler, Blake Shelton, and Luke bryan.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it expresses someone's feelings without him/her doing anything. It cheers people up when they are down and sometimes it sends a message to listeners who need advice. Music also brings people down when they are most vulnerable. It shows their inner-most feelings when they try to hide from it. Music basically calls out people's emotions.
ReplyDeleteI like music because it relaxes me when I stress about things. It takes my focus away from difficult things and lets me have some fun for a while. Music is important to me because it brings me up when I am down. I enjoy music when I have to do boring things because it makes those things a little less boring.
Music inspires people to do what they want to do and be what they want to be. There are many music artist that share stories about their past and hardships growing up. These stories have the ability to inspire a large amount of young listeners to do better as they grow up. They give hope to people who believe they have no where else to turn or nothing else to do.
ReplyDeleteFor the listener, Music helps accomplish many things. It can help you organize thoughts and help you work faster. It can affect your mood as well. Music can improve your mood or cradle you when you're sad. Music is something that you can just vibe with no matter what mood you're in really. The same goes for playing music and making music. People who create music can express how they feel in so many ways. They can say what they want or if they dont know how they can use the music instead of words.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I can't simply choose a FAVORITE musician/ band. Most of the time I just listen to whatever I feel like listening to at the time. Sometimes it's bands OF classic rock or alternative, and other times i want to listen to rap and hip hop. I like music from lots of time periods as well so choosing a favorite would definitely difficult.
Music by feavert musician is TIm Mcgraw his Music inspires me to be who i want to be and to not let nothing stop me from doing any thing that i want to do.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important to both musicians and listeners because it evokes a spectrum of emotions. Music can be fun and simple or heart wrenching and intricate. There are many music artist that share stories about their past and hardships growing up.Music is very popular and strong
ReplyDeleteMusic is an important use for expressing feeling or sending a message to the listener. Music can give people inspiration, mood, and change the opinion and thoughts of other people. Music can be provided to the people as an uplift or change of heart. Music can alter your emotions if you find the correct song you feel as your favorite. Music can be a similar expression to yourself if you listen hard enough.
ReplyDeleteI do not have one favorite band because some of the songs I listen to, I can enjoy. I have many favorite songs ranging from alternative to dance. I would not claim one band or musician to be my favorite because they cannot make other forms or styles of music. Any musician can do better than the other however their frequency of good songs can differ. With all the bands I prefer I only prefer because of their music.
Music is important because it can describe people, places, movies, or animals that words can’t. Without music, the world would have a hard time understanding other things.Music is important to people’s lives because it makes things better when things aren’t going right in the world. Music builds imagination and intellectual curiosity: Introducing music in the early childhood years can help foster a positive attitude toward learning and curiosity. Artistic education develops the whole brain and develops a child’s imagination.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it can describe people, places, movies, and animals that words can’t. Without music we would have a hard time understanding other things.Music is relevant to people’s lives because it makes things better when things aren't going right in the world. Music builds imagination and other things: Introducing music in the early childhood years can help a positive attitude toward learning and curiosity. Artistic education develops the whole brain and develops a child’s imagination.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it can help people as an outlet for stress. People can express themselves through music and this helps in today's society. Anyone can find a type of music or an artist that they enjoy listening to. I like listening to rap and I believe Chief Keef is the greatest rapper of all time. Nobody is messing with Keef, he's destroying the industry.
ReplyDeleteI do personally have one artist that I mainly listen to; and that is Chief Keef. It's hard to listen to competitors when they don't even come close to what Keef has accomplished. With that being said, I listen to Chief Keef all the time and believe in him as an artist.
Music is a very important because it provides people with a way to express themselves whether you are a creator or listener, it opens one imagination. J.Cole is was born in Germany and raised in North Carolina. His mother was white and his father was black who left him at a young age. He graduated high school with a 4.2 and attended St Johns where he graduated magna cum laude with a perfect 4.0
ReplyDeleteThe thing i like about JCole is that he provides me deep topics to think on instead of the shallow aspects of our society that most artist harp on today
music is important because it helps you express yourselves. you can let out your feelings threw music. music is important because it can lift up your sprit when you need it.Music is important to people’s lives because it makes things better when kind of music is rap my favorite rapper is meek mill kevin gates. cause there music is inspiring to me and they rap about stuff that makes u think
ReplyDeleteMia Reddick.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it is a way for people to express themselves. It can be an outlet for them to release stress or any other problems going on in their lives. Likewise, it can bring a message into the world. I really enjoy music because it expresses how i feel.
My favorite artist is Keyshia Cole. I like the way she expresses herself through her music. Likewise, she breaks it down to her audience to make sure they get an understanding of what she is talking about .
Music is important because make people think about creator what they have made or use of music.
ReplyDeleteMusic is a very important way to express yourself through song. It helps people release stress,anger,sadness etc. Music can show awareness of current issues and have messages that can change lives across the world.Music and lyrics can paint pictures for the listener.The musician is giving you an outlook on their life and experiences.
ReplyDeleteMusic is a very important way to express yourself through song. It helps people release stress,anger,sadness etc. Music can show awareness of current issues and have messages that can change lives across the world.Music and lyrics can paint pictures for the listener.The musician is giving you an outlook on their life and experiences.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it expresses someone's feelings without him/her doing anything. It cheers people up when they are down and sometimes it sends a message to listeners who need advice. Music also brings people down when they are most vulnerable. It shows their inner-most feelings when they try to hide from it. Music basically calls out people's emotions.
ReplyDeleteI like music because it relaxes me when I stress about things. It takes my focus away from difficult things and lets me have some fun for a while. Music is important to me because it brings me up when I am down. I enjoy music when I have to do boring things because it makes those things a little less boring.
The importance of music is different in every individual's life. It inspires people and allows us to get in touch with our emotions in a way that is unique. For those amongst us who find it difficult to express ourselves, music can evoke reactions. Your mood can change from dark and depressed to elated and deliriously happy with just the selection of the right track and a hit of the play button.
ReplyDeleteI really admire Martina McBride, in country music. She is so humble and down to earth from what I've seen and supports lots of charities. She sings with all her heart, and about things that matter to people. She seems very family oriented, too. I would love to meet her.
Music has substantial evolutionary survival value.Music is also a crucial tool for social bonding among adults, for making a tribe feel like a tribe. We use music to modulate our own emotions and those of others. There are ecstatic chants and dances for spiritual purposes, or for just relaxing and relieving stress. There are work songs to make tedious tasks more bearable. There are marches and fight songs to prepare for battle, and there are lullabies to soothe each other to sleep.
ReplyDeleteMusic lifts up your soul and releases it.
ReplyDeleteMusic is what moves everyone, and without it, life would be pointless.
Music is important because it can describe people, places, movies, or animals that words can’t. Without music, the world would have a hard time understanding is different in every individual's life. It inspires people and allows us to get in touch with our emotions in a way that is unique. For those amongst us who find it difficult to express ourselves, music can evoke reactions.These stories have the ability to inspire a large amount of young listeners to do better as they grow up. They give hope to people who believe they have no where else to turn or nothing else to do. i don/t have a fav musician/band.
music is important to me because i want to be a recording engineer wen i get out of high school its my passion to make and listen to music. without music ii wouldnt be the same at all. music is my inspiration i would be cranky in the morning if i didnt listen to music
ReplyDeleteMusic is an art form whose medium is sound. It allows a person to express how the feel about someone or something. A person can easily relieve stress by doing this. There are also, lots of different types of music such as rap, r&b, country, rock, and etc. I usually listen to rap and r&b.
ReplyDeleteMy most favorite rapper right now is J.Cole. He talks about things that are most relevant to the world today and talks about true things. He has a unique way of rapping and he has a great rhythm in his beats. He encourages me to be honest to everyone and see who can be a truthful friend or not.
Music is important because it is an art form. It is a form of expression. It is a form of communication. My personal favorite artist is Frank Ocean. I would marry Frank Ocean.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it is an art form. It is a form of expression. It is a form of communication. My personal favorite artist is Frank Ocean. I would marry Frank Ocean.
ReplyDeleteDavid Carter
ReplyDeleteI think music is important because it is a life style. Every song that was sung or music made has its own story, as well as its own message. music is an inspiration to many people and I think it has an influence on peoples lives.
now I could drone on and on about how music is life and how its oh so great, but you wont ever know until you listen for yourself and have the experience of listening to all types of it and deciding for yourself if what all I say is true.
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ReplyDeleteMusic is important to both musicians and listeners because it evokes a spectrum of emotions. Music can be fun and simple or heart wrenching and intricate. I believe that music has the power of healing as well as the power of destruction. I have been inspired by music, broken down because of a song, and walk to the school bus every morning with an earbud in my right ear to wake me up and help me start my day feeling good. Music is an art form whose medium is sound. It allows a person to express how the feel about someone or something. A person can easily relieve stress by doing this. There are also, lots of different types of music such as rap, r&b, country, rock, and etc. I usually listen to rap and r&b.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it's a way of self expression. We all love music. It can put us in different emotions and feelings. And even though it makes us feel sad , there is also music that makes us feel amazing, My favorite musician or band would be Chris Brown, because he has songs that can make you feel like dancing and having fun but then he also has songs that make you really think and get you through. But for the most part I am an open person, I listen to many different genres from R&b to Pop music. I like it all.
ReplyDeleteAs a DJ I have seen the effect of people through music. With certain songs they bring back timeless memories for people. Also music had gotten people through certain situations. With one my favorite J Cole he speaks that real thats relates to male and female. He gets people to thinking too about the consequences that come up with turning up, relationships and etc. Also another artist i like is K Camp he one of the Atlanta artist that really don't get his recognition like he should. He's making quality turn up music that is following the trap beat pattern and I give mad respect to K Camp on that.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it is a form of art. It is way to self express. It is a way to communicate without two people having too meet or holding a conversation. It transfers it's emotions and feelings to us. Most importantly music is a life style. Every song has its own unique story. Music is such a pivotal aspect in peoples lives, i could not imagine a world without it.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite music is that ratchet trap music. I be bumping that in my car, in my room, at parties; anytime you see me with headphones i'm blasting it so loud everyone can hear it naw mean. I listen to that gucci mane (free gucci-2016), young thug, young dolph, migos, Rich Homie, everybody from Atlanta i rock with. Honestly Atlanta music is the best on the planet even though migos from Gwinett. But hands down cheif keef is the best rapper of all time, anybody who disagrees "i dont like."
Music is important because its a talent. Music can be expressed in many different ways to help others get through things or send a message to someones heart.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite music is hip hop. I just love the beats and the way everyone be so turnt about the music.
Music is important becuase it allows you to express yourself. It lets everyone know who you truly are. When you are down , sometimes music lifts you up. When youre out with your friends ! Music is the way of life.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it is soothing for me music relaxes me. When I'm angry music calms it bring some kind of peace to me to help me. Music also brings people down when they are most vulnerable. It shows their inner-most feelings when they try to hide from it. Music basically calls out people's emotions.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite artists is Beyonce. Beyoncé Knowles is a multi-platinum, Grammy Award-winning recording artist who's acclaimed for her thrilling vocals, videos and live shows.
Music is important because it is soothing for me music relaxes me. When I'm angry music calms it bring some kind of peace to me to help me. Music also brings people down when they are most vulnerable. It shows their inner-most feelings when they try to hide from it. Music basically calls out people's emotions.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite artists is Beyonce. Beyoncé Knowles is a multi-platinum, Grammy Award-winning recording artist who's acclaimed for her thrilling vocals, videos and live shows.
Music is important because it allows you to express yourself. The type of music you like shows who you are and what you enjoy. Music makes you feel free and lets you have tons of fun.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite artist is lil durk. a very turnt rapper that knows how to get you lit.
Music is important because it helps you express yourself in ways that you can’t with normal talking.Music is important to me because it gives me something to look forward to everyday.Music is important because it allows people to be creative and it offers more life to people.Music is important in my life because it gives me something to do. I think it is important to the world. I really love music because I am a musician.“Music is important in my life because I listen to it everyday. It helps me relax.
ReplyDeleteLexi Stokes
ReplyDeleteMusic is a form of art. There are many styles of music. There is rap, hip hop, jazz, rock and roll, and many others. It can be a creative way to express yourself and every help you pass time. Now a days, people like to listen to music as they do work to help them concentrate.
I don't have a one favorite band or singer, I enjoy many. I especially enjoy J-pop and K-pop. It may be in another language but I still enjoy all the music and learning at the same time.
Music is important becuase it allows you to express yourself. It lets everyone know who you truly are. When you are down , sometimes music lifts you up. When youre out with your friends , youre lit! Music is the way of life.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite musicians are Kanye West and Nicki Minaj. They both teach you to be yourself no matter what people think. They teach theyre fans taht uniqueness isnt a bad thing, Accept who you are and love music.
Music is an important use for expressing feeling or sending a message to the listener. Music can give people inspiration, mood, and change the opinion and thoughts of other people. Music can be provided to the people as an uplift or change of heart. Music can alter your emotions if you find the correct song you feel as your favorite. Music can be a similar expression to yourself if you listen hard enough.
ReplyDeleteI do not have one favorite band because some of the songs I listen to, I can enjoy. I have many favorite songs ranging from alternative to dance. I would not claim one band or musician to be my favorite because they cannot make other forms or styles of music. Any musician can do better than the other however their frequency of good songs can differ. With all the bands I prefer I only prefer because of their music.
usic is important because it expresses someone's feelings without him/her doing anything. It cheers people up when they are down and sometimes it sends a message to listeners who need advice. Music also brings people down when they are most vulnerable. It shows their inner-most feelings when they try to hide from it. Music basically calls out people's emotions.
ReplyDeleteI like music because it relaxes me when I stress about things. It takes my focus away from difficult things and lets me have some fun for a while. Music is important to me because it brings me up when I am down. I enjoy music when I have to do boring things because it makes those things a little less boring.
I love music and it all can be very inspiring. music can make people sad, happy or even pumped up to work out. all types of music in influence people differently. i personally like to focus on more positive music. because music is tied to so many feelings and ways to think about life and people i try to keep it positive and happy. i want the music i listen to reflect who i am and my personality.
ReplyDeleteOwl City ( or Adam Young) is my favorite singer/ song writer. All his music is beautiful and most songs are upbeat and happy. he sings about the beautiful things people need to appreciate and silly things to make you smile when you listen to him. Adam has sleep insomnia so he makes a lot of his music at night. with that in mind its inspiring to see him turn something sad into something happy. It brings joy listening to all his music.
ReplyDeleteMusic is an important use for expressing feeling or sending a message to the listener. Music can give people inspiration, mood, and change the opinion and thoughts of other people. Music can be provided to the people as an uplift or change of heart. Music can alter your emotions if you find the correct song you feel as your favorite. Music can be a similar expression to yourself if you listen hard enough.
my favorite musician is most definitely Kanye West. he's so inspirational and you can really feel what hes saying in his lyrics. everyone you ask will pretty much agree with me.No other rapper is touching him right now .His music just can change my mood so easily
I honestly dont have a favorite band. I like all types of genres. Everything is good to me. I listen to everything from country to screamo. Everyone has there own types of favorite music.I like them all though.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite two artist are Fantasia Barrino and Emeli Sande because they inspire me to be a better person. When you battle with certain stuff you always need music that relates to your situation. This music inspires me to keep my head up and to believe in my self lets not forget Babyface and Jagged edge i love these two groups as well. Even though they are pretty old i always lsiten to them when im feeling bad its like they lift me up out of my dry place.
ReplyDeletemusic is important because it is in everything that can make one happy! their is a wide variety of music that can appeal to many peoples interest. Some like slow gam some like hip hop but there is something that appeals to everyone. there is not one person that can live a full life without listening to one song at all.
ReplyDeletemy favorite artist is Jhene Aiko because of her style of music. most of her music is slow but has a lot of bass in the background
Music is important because it provides many people with high paying jobs some of whom might be in prison without it. It inspires people of all ages to do all sorts of great things and brings out the best in some. My favorite artist is none other than the Based God himself lil b. He is spitting bars that the world is not truly prepared for.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it provides many people with high paying jobs some of whom might be in prison without it. It inspires people of all ages to do all sorts of great things and brings out the best in some. My favorite artist is none other than the Based God himself lil b. He is spitting bars that the world is not truly prepared for.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it can bring people together. It is know as the international language where everybody know and can feel it. Like michael jackson he was a international pop star everybody in different countries know who he is though and like his music.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it can bring people together. It is know as the international language where everybody know and can feel it. Like michael jackson he was a international pop star everybody in different countries know who he is though and like his music.
ReplyDeleteMusic is a very important way to express yourself through song. It helps people release stress,anger,sadness etc. Music can show awareness of current issues and have messages that can change lives across the world.Music and lyrics can paint pictures for the listener.The musician is giving you an outlook on their life and experiences.
ReplyDeletemusic is so important it has the power to move people . people are able to express themselves through song and music. it is the international language of the world and its been proven time and time again by countless individuals. my favorite artist is a rapper named peewee long-way . he is an Atlanta rapper who raps about a variety of topics but touches different people from different walks of life.many people in atlanta and around the world can relate to him and the things he raps about. a few of the topics he talks about are the struggle he faced before he "made it" an made a name for himself. He mentions very often about how he had to sell drugs at one point in his life and about many of the adventures he has had with some of his friends like other rappers such as young thug , rich homie quan & hood rich Pablo . with his new release " the king size blue m&m" i think this will take him to the next level of his career and get him more exposure . which will only bring him higher in the rap game.
ReplyDeleteMusic is an important use for expressing feeling or sending a message to the listener. Music can give people inspiration, mood, and change the opinion and thoughts of other people. Music can be provided to the people as an uplift or change of heart. Music can alter your emotions if you find the correct song you feel as your favorite. Music can be a similar expression to yourself if you listen hard enough.
ReplyDeleteMusic is also a good culturally thing. Brings people together often times with different backgrounds. Music from different generations often times a different feel and flow to it.
like music because it relaxes me when I stress about things. It takes my focus away from difficult things and lets me have some fun for a while. Music is important to me because it brings me up when I am down. I enjoy music when I have to do boring things because it makes those things a little less boring.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it can describe people, places, movies, or animals that words can’t. Without music, the world would have a hard time understanding other things. My favorite rapper is peeweelonGway.hes from Atlanta who raps about different thinGs.
ReplyDeleteMusic is important because it allows an artists to communicate his or her feelings and also to inspire their listeners. Music is an aid that helps many people cope with serious situations. At the worst point in your life, you can turn to music to help you. Music is the one thing that will always be there for you no matter what.
ReplyDeleteMusic inspires many important people in the world. Due to the fact that music inspires others, it is the one thing needed to inspire upcoming legends to chase their musical dreams. Nine times out of ten, an artist will say that they were inspired by another musical artist. Usually one that came before them. This is why music continues to grow. This is why music continues to allow people to express how they feel without hesitation and fear of judgment.
Music is an important use for expressing feeling or sending a message to the listener. Music can give people inspiration, mood, and change the opinion and thoughts of other people. Music can be provided to the people as an uplift or change of heart. Music can alter your emotions if you find the correct song you feel as your favorite. Music can be a similar expression to yourself if you listen hard enough.
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DeleteMusic is important because it serves multiple purposes. One, music helps us get away from all the clutter in life. A great example in my life at work is listening to classical music and it helps me focus at my desk when a great deal of activity/talking is going on with co-workers. It also is great for exercising and focusing on the physical activity at hand especially if running or doing cardio. Second, it helps us express ourselves.
ReplyDeleteMusic is very important to me. I listen to music everyday for various reasons. Music serves as a language barrier, therapy and other effects besides just entertainment. Music is what brings people together from different races band backgrounds. Music is one common bond that people can share with each other.
ReplyDeleteSome people use music as a form of venting. Someones emotions can be embodied into a song and therefore can resonate with the listener. Music can be spiritual even with gospel music as an example. Gospel music is used so people can further connect with God and rejoice in his greatness.
Music is important because it allows people to express themselves it is a form of art. Music allows me personally to escape the constant movement of life and relax and think for myself. The music is extremely calming and is a true escape from real world issues. Music is the best way to express your soul.
ReplyDeleteI do not have a favorite band or musician. I like anything that catches my ear. i find all types of music different and interesting. i like to listen to music in the car or with my headphones. I love blasting my music to the top of my lungs. It gives me a serious high listening to music.
Music is important to me and the rest of the world because it expresses many things that can happen, may have already happened, or is happening right now. Music also is a tool used by musicians to explain the environment that they live in (such as East/West Coast rap). Music is used constantly for other things such as in the background of movies, dancing, and etc....
ReplyDeleteCurrently A$AP Rocky is my favorite music artist at the moment because i love the way that his music is about his life, how he loves fashion, and you can really tell where he is from what his lyrics represent. Also i like how he proudly represents his hometown city of Harlem.